Place Review : MMDA Children’s Road Safety Park

Me and my husband are in full support for our kid's field trip our first stop was at MMDA Children’s Road Safety Park, it was just so unfortunate that we are not really able to explore the place to it's full potential because the weather was too hot and the place was already too crowded because aside from our children's school there were also other schools visting the park. Nevertheless, even the teacher and tour guide was not able to explain the road signs ahead (because it was too crowded to fall in line), me and my husband one by one explalined to our kids the meaning of the road signsthey mostly see on the road. The meaning of the colors in Traffic Light. We showed them how to properly cross the street, where to cross the street, proper usage of foot bridge for safety and if they will soon drive a car where not to blow horns, the meaning of the lines seen on the road and the discipline and responsibility of both driver and when walking at the street.

My kids were able to explore the place quickly as they were too excited to go to our next stop which is much cooler and relaxed than this outdoor activity that later on makes them a bit uncomfortable due to really hot weather during that time, but we can not complain rather than it was raining then we can not at all enjoy the park!

Good thing MMDA have this road safety park at an early age they have have the mini roads they can enjoy walking at the same time play and learn on it!! 


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