Getting Ready for Detoxification

As I am getting ready with my journey in loosing weight starting on 1st of August 2013. I am preparing for my detoxification where in  I will be limiting my food intake for one week this is to flush out all my body toxins.

Meanwhile, I have been pigging out and eat everything I want without limit with my family, friends and church mates to make the most out of it. This is  very effective to me before starting my diet, so by the time I start my diet I would not be craving or depriving myself with the food I  want since I was able to eat and enjoy it from the onset. This is also preparing myself physically, emotionally and mentally.

Because for me, when I say "Diet" I consider it very sacred and it is really followed with great discipline.

Good luck to me, for the meantime...BURP!!!


  1. Good luck to us. I'm starting in August too. But I'm already practicing :p

  2. you made me hungry with those photos! haha!
    thanks for following my blog, i already followed you back on gfc :)

    1. Thank you for following and sorry for making you hungry!

  3. Reading your post made me hungry! About dieting, you could always have cheat days, reward yourself din naman minsan while you're on a diet :)

  4. Ang sarap lang talaga kasing kumain. Ang hirap mag-diet :) Followed you via GFC.

    I am Jenniya

    1. Thank you sis! I agree! followed you too sis. nice blogs by the way!Good job!

  5. Good luck!!! We can't wait to hear about your progress!

  6. Beautiful pictures that makes me hungry!Yum!!

  7. Drools. Are those Charlie Chan???? Nooooooo.

    1. Yes sis it is Charlie Chan pasta sis..thanks for droppin' by!

  8. Good for you! I eat like a pig all the time (i.e. cookies a couple times a day, almost no fruit, etc.) and always say that I'll detox, but never do it! More power to ya! I followed you with GFC. Hope you can follow back!

    : signe
    : the daily savant :
    : the daily savant : Blog Lovin


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