Food : Sweet Tooth and Me

I have this sweet tooth.  I am guilty of eating a lot of sweets in all kinds of reason (and excuse..haha!!), when I am about to have my period, when I am stressed, when I am happy. when I have not eaten full meal and all sort.

My top choices of chocolates (within my budget) that won't hurt my wallet and satisfies my craving are as follows :

1. Choco knots (6pgphp)-- this has a crisp biscuit coated with creamy chocolate, I can finish at least two pack of this.

2. Sundae Hot Fudge (25php) -- I usual request to put the standard amount of hot fudge, then I indulge..

3. Delfi Treasures Golden Almond (20php) -- this is my top choice, the chocolate is just so creamy and soft and it has a lot of milk on it and plus with the crunch of almond giving the taste a little bit of twist.

I can eat my top 3 choices altogether and smile, and be happy the whole day.  Oh! I'm such a shallow person..


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